COVID Filming FAQs


While the pandemic and the ever-changing social-distancing restrictions in Hong Kong could make things confusing, here are some guidelines to help students continue making films while staying safe. This includes suspending production if any cast or crew members are at risk of spreading the virus, controlling the size of your cast and crew (4 people maximum in outdoor public spaces), and bringing disinfectants on set. Read our FAQs below for details!

Last Updated: 25/4/2022

Can we still film during the 5th wave?
Yes, but you must follow the government’s social-distancing guidelines when filming.

When should I suspend production?
Suspend production if any cast or crew members, or their household members:

  • Test positive for COVID-19

  • Are awaiting confirmation of COVID-19 test results

  • Experience any COVID-19 symptoms, even if mild;

  • Believe they are close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 patients

What do I need to bring on set?
Besides what you need for filming, bring hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray to disinfect hands and devices, a thermometer to check temperatures of cast and crew, and extra surgical masks in case any cast and crew member needs them. 

Do all actors have to keep their masks on?
It depends. When filming in a public outdoor space, actors have to keep their masks on at all times; when filming at home or in a private indoor space, actors can take their masks off only when performing on camera.

How many cast and crew members can be on set?
It depends. When filming in a public outdoor space, only 4 cast and crew members in total can be on set; when filming at home or in a private indoor space, there is no official limit. However, we do recommend keeping the set as small as possible.

Do we need to be vaccinated?
Although we cannot enforce a fully vaccinated set, we strongly encourage filming only with fully vaccinated cast and crew members.

Can we meet in-person for rehearsals?
Yes, as long as you follow the social-distancing guidelines mentioned above.