What is Art Tech? An Educational Guide from Babel Film Workshop
Are you curious about the exciting world of art tech and how it's transforming the creative landscape in Hong Kong? At Babel Film Workshop, we're passionate about harnessing the power of technology to enhance human creativity, focusing on the practical applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in our classes for students aged 8-18. Here, we’ll explore how our students are using AI to push the boundaries of artistic expression.
What is Art Tech?
Art tech refers to the intersection of art and technology, where innovative digital tools and platforms are utilized to create, share, and experience art in new and exciting ways. This is fundamental to film art, which is at the core of all of Babel Film Workshop’s unique offerings. Some aspects of art tech also include virtual reality (VR) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Our focus is on integrating new technology, especially AI, into students’ creative processes.
At Babel Film Workshop, we believe that AI is a powerful tool for enhancing human creativity, not replacing it. Our classes emphasize the symbiotic relationship between artists and AI, as students learn to leverage cutting-edge tools like ChatGPT, Playground, Poe, Canva, and more. Here are some ways we've successfully incorporated AI into our curricula.
Video Creation: Our students are constantly pushing the boundaries of art tech by exploring the latest AI tools and techniques. Many of the newest developments apply to video creation, and we identify suitable projects that make use of AI to bring to students, such as a business pitch video. We encourage them to experiment and discover new ways of using AI technology to create projects that they may not have thought of before, or that would ordinarily take much more resources to execute without the aid of AI.
Screenwriting: We've used AI to help students create engaging short film scripts in order to learn the professional short film production process. This has shown students what present-day AI technology is capable of producing, so that they can me more conscious of its technology and how their own projects can stand out. By harnessing AI's analytical capabilities, students can also generate ideas, develop storylines, and refine their scripts while maintaining their unique artistic voices.
Character Design: AI plays a significant role in our character design class process. Students use AI tools to generate visual concepts and iterate on their ideas, resulting in rich, dynamic characters that bring their stories to life. This shows students the possibilities of AI to illustrate a creative idea they come up with, so that students of all levels in drawing and art can leverage technology to bring their ideas to life.
Babel Film Workshop is dedicated to nurturing the art tech scene in Hong Kong by focusing on the creative applications of AI in young students aged 8-18. Our innovative approach encourages students to harness AI as a means of enhancing their creative potential and pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. By maintaining a balance between cutting-edge technology and human creativity, we're hope to take an active role in shaping the future of art, storytelling and digital creation in the ever-evolving world of art tech.