Film Stylo 2022: Top 5 Awards Announcement

The screening of our third annual Film Stylo event took place last week! Film Stylo is our free filmmaking competition that promotes teenagers’ self-expression and emotional wellness.

21 students who made films based on this year’s theme “Silver Linings” were shortlisted for the screening event at our studio in Wong Chuk Hang.

Out of these films, 5 films by the following students were selected for this year’s Top 5 Award:

  • Christine Chiou

  • Jiana Karthikeyan

  • Ashley Kwok

  • Hermia Mak

  • Teya Nainani

Each of these students’ films was selected for their exceptional demonstration of personal voice; treatment of theme; and creative and technical execution.

Thanks to all the shortlisted student filmmakers and guests who attended, and congratulations again to the students who received this year’s Top 5 Award! Stay tuned for next year’s Film Stylo competition announcement.

Photos: Marcus Au and Anya Saha


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