Short Film Lab 2025: Pre-Production


Gain professional filmmaking experience!

Ages: 14-18
Dates: Saturdays (Sep 7-Nov 16, 2024)
Time: 2:00pm-3:30pm
Classes: 10
Venue: Babel Film Workshop (Wong Chuk Hang)


Gain professional filmmaking experience!

Ages: 14-18
Dates: Saturdays (Sep 7-Nov 16, 2024)
Time: 2:00pm-3:30pm
Classes: 10
Venue: Babel Film Workshop (Wong Chuk Hang)

Gain professional filmmaking experience!

Ages: 14-18
Dates: Saturdays (Sep 7-Nov 16, 2024)
Time: 2:00pm-3:30pm
Classes: 10
Venue: Babel Film Workshop (Wong Chuk Hang)


Are you an aspiring filmmaker in high school? It can be hard to find opportunities to gain professional filmmaking experience. Without this experience, you miss out on an important way to develop filmmaking skills, and may feel unprepared to pursue more advanced projects in the future. Through Short Film Lab, students will get to create a short film under guidance from professional filmmakers. This term, students will:

  • Learn to write and pitch a narrative short film screenplay

  • Complete the pre-production stage of an advanced short film production

  • Feel inspired to develop story ideas into films

  • Work with teachers who have professional experience in filmmaking

New students are welcome, and no prior experience or specialized equipment are required. Limited to 6 students only, so enroll now to not miss out on this year’s short film project!


Sep 7, 14, 21, 28; Oct 5, 19, 26; Nov 2, 9, 16

Group Discount
Receive 10% off tuition when enrolling with a friend or family member, or in two or more courses for a single student. Use code “GRP10” at checkout.

AI Creator: Illustrated Story
Filmmaking: Camera Shots
Short Film Production: Cinematography
Digital Photography: Still Life